Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Sword Art Online II - 2014:Activated

Last night, I got to watch Sword Art Online - Extra Edition, thanks to the simulcast by Crunchyroll. Even if I'm not a big fan of flashback episodes/feature, SAO Extra Edition did not fail to deliver a great amount of fan service and an underwater adventure that was quite entertaining. The special episode is about 100 minutes long, so it's like a movie.

Coincidentally, I was watching the English dub version of Sword Art Online at work, and almost did not remember that the Extra Edition episode was airing. I'm glad I remembered yesterday. But while I was making sure I know where to find it, I googled it and ran into a teaser video that officially announces Sword Art Online II! My first reaction to it, I whispered to myself: Gun Gale Online? Yes, it is!

Here's the video:

I'm so excited, I can't wait!!! Some folks are already saying that it will start airing during Spring 2014. 

For more info, check out:!/ 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Silly anime scenes that makes me hungry...

I was watching Sword Art Online while I was working. And in episode 9, there's a scene where Asuna hands Kirito this delicious looking sandwich. In this scene, Kirito was really enthused about eating whatever Asuna made....

....that scene, just made me go to McDonald's to get a McRib!
That is all.

Finally got around to watching "The Future Diary"

After everything that has happened in the past three months, I have not been able to catch up on the anime shows I've been planning to watch. I'm slowly starting to catch up all over again, now that I am finding more time to watch anime while I'm at work.

But there's this one show that I'm a bit scared to watch by myself: Mirai Nikki (a.k.a. The Future Diary). If you're wondering why, it is because I have developed a bit of a phobia of stalker girls, or #yandere since high school. 

Yes, I'm scared of crazy, stalker, clingy girls like Yuno Gasai. In the past, I have dated quite a few girls that turned out to be very yandere. Though none of them turned out to be just as crazy as Yuno, I did end up with one that tried to ruin my life, and nearly succeeded (until her "fatal attraction" kicked her right back in the ass).

Yuno Gasai - The Future Diary

But enough about my past experiences with yandere girls, and back to this anime show Mirai Nikki. Yuno scares me! She's very cute. Don't get me wrong. But I can't seem to watch this show by myself. My wife is actually enjoying the show with me, since this was on her plan to watch list. And now she's making fun of me by telling me things like she's going to turn out to be a yandere.

I decided to continue watching this show some other time. I think we are on episode 8. This entry is certainly not a review of the show. But if you were to ask me for my opinion about this show, I'd have to say: CREEPY!