Saturday, January 21, 2017

My College Life as of Today: Health Information Technology Program

Two years ago, I wrote this entry in this blog about going to college and what program I was trying to get into. Time sure goes by quite fast, and now I finally got into the program of my choice: Health Information Technology (HITT) at Houston Community College - Coleman College for Health Sciences.

Prior to getting into the program, I busted my behind, taking basic courses, and some courses I actually didn't even have to take. At one point, my GPA was as high as 3.85 (out of 4.0). That was my GPA during my interview to get accepted into the program, but after getting hit with a B in Anatomy & Physiology, my GPA dropped a bit to 3.75.

Being in a program is a totally different ballgame. I am considering going to school full-time just to get my diploma early. I can see myself working from home within the next 5 years, even less than that! But first, I got to adjust to the type of student my professor wants me to be: very, very, VERY dedicated and disciplined. While that is not usually a problem, I am experiencing some financial difficulties at the moment, which I may mention later on in this blog.

I am proud of my accomplishments as a college student, especially since I didn't think I was going to end up going to college at my mid-thirties. I was a terrible student in high school, with a GPA that falls very low within the lowest quartile. Even then, I desired to finish high school with a diploma, and I obtained it through Houston Community College's Adult High School program back in 1999 and 2000. Now that I am in college, it seems like I am living the student life I should have had when I was in high school.

This maybe a half-way point of my college career, or maybe not. I will try to go as far as I can. I've been in college for two years, but this semester, is really, only the beginning of my actual college life.