Monday, January 05, 2015

Roger Goes to College...

Since I graduated high school 15 years ago, I have always wanted to go to college. However, due to unfortunate life circumstances, I could not go to school. While I won't go into detail about those circumstances here on my public blog, I would like to mention that I have recently signed up for college! I will be attending Houston Community College soon and I am very excited!

Some of my friends didn't expect that I would make this move in my life. Some didn't even know, and thought I have finished college long ago. I'm already 35 years old, and I am barely starting college. This is a whole new adventure in my life, and sometimes I think I'm too old for this. I'm working on changing that mentality.

I have my sights on the Health Information Technology program. Currently, I am going to be taking my basic courses and prerequisites, most of which are required for other medicine-related program. Just in case I do change my career path in the future, I should be ok.

As of now, I know that I will be taking two of my basic courses online, which I'm hoping I can do while I'm at on standby during my work hours. On Fridays, I will be attending my Biology class the Stafford campus.

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